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Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA)

Hi Guys,

Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) is a powerful diagnostic tool which provides a number of diagnostic tools in a single bundle and making it easy to gather diagnostic information about the Oracle database and Clusterware, which in turn helps with problem resolution when dealing with Oracle Support.

  • Download TFA
  • Install TFA
  • Run a TFA collection.
  • Upload TFA collection to My Oracle Support (MOS)

Download TFA.

Download the latest version from here

Install TFA

This is recommended that TFA should be installed from "root" OS user which provides the most functionalities and allows it to run in a proactive manner as a daemon, or locally as the Oracle software owner.

Here I did this from root to do proactive tool.

Unzip the software, create a destination location and install the software using the "-local" flag (if not doing this for RAC).

unzip command path is mandatory for installing the TFACTL Locating the installation media.

cd /u01/software
unzip TFA-<OS version>.zip

mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/tfa
./installTFA-AIX -local -tfabase $ORACLE_HOME/tfa

<host>:root:/tmp>./installTFA-AIX-PPC64 -local -tfabase /oracle/<SID>/112_64/
TFA Installation Log will be written to File : /tmp/tfa_install_8978586_2019_01_16-10_56_56.log

Starting TFA installation

TFA Version: 184200 Build Date: 201901021207

Running Auto Setup for TFA as user root...

Installing TFA now...

Discovering Nodes and Oracle resources

Starting Discovery...

No Grid Infrastructure Discovered on this system . . . . .

<server name>
Searching for running databases...
1. <SID>

Searching out ORACLE_HOME for selected databases...

Getting Oracle Inventory...

ORACLE INVENTORY: /oracle/<SID>/oraInventory

Discovery Complete...

TFA Will be Installed on <server name>...

TFA will scan the following Directories

|                             <server name>                            |
| Trace Directory                                           | Resource |
| /oracle/DCS/11203/cfgtoollogs                             | CFGTOOLS |
| /oracle/DCS/11203/install                                 | INSTALL  |
| /oracle/DCS/oraInventory/ContentsXML                      | INSTALL  |
| /oracle/DCS/oraInventory/logs                             | INSTALL  |
| /oracle/DCS/saptrace/diag/rdbms/dcs/DCS/trace             | RDBMS    |
| /oracle/DCS/saptrace/diag/tnslsnr                         | TNS      |
| /oracle/cfgtoollogs                                       | CFGTOOLS |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_dcsadm/host_2680787435_80/cdump | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_dcsadm/host_2680787435_80/trace | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_nrnadm/host_2680787435_80/cdump | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_nrnadm/host_2680787435_80/trace | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_nrnadm/host_2680787435_82/cdump | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_nrnadm/host_2680787435_82/trace | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_oranrn/host_2680787435_82/cdump | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_oranrn/host_2680787435_82/trace | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_sd2adm/host_2680787435_80/cdump | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/clients/user_sd2adm/host_2680787435_80/trace | DBCLIENT |
| /oracle/diag/tnslsnr/nguksvartw180/listener/cdump         | TNS      |
| /oracle/diag/tnslsnr/nguksvartw180/listener/trace         | TNS      |
| /oracle/diag/tnslsnr/nguksvartw180/listener_sd2/cdump     | TNS      |
| /oracle/diag/tnslsnr/nguksvartw180/listener_sd2/trace     | TNS      |

Installing TFA on <server name>:
HOST: <server name>     TFA_HOME: /oracle/DCS/11203/tfa/nguksvartw180/tfa_home
| Host          | Status of TFA | PID      | Port  | Version    | Build ID             |
| nguksvartw180 | RUNNING       | 48169146 | 49367 | | 18420020190102120706 |

Running Inventory in All Nodes...

Enabling Access for Non-root Users on <server name>...

Adding default users to TFA Access list...

Summary of TFA Installation:
|                            <server name>                           |
| Parameter           | Value                                        |
| Install location    | /oracle/DCS/11203/tfa/<server name>/tfa_home |
| Repository location | /oracle/DCS/11203/tfa/repository             |
| Repository usage    | 0 MB out of 3188 MB                          |

TFA is successfully installed...

Usage : /oracle/<SID>/11203/tfa/bin/tfactl <command> [options]
For detailed help on each command use:
  /oracle/DCS/11203/tfa/bin/tfactl <command> -help

Run a TFA collection.

Below are few examples how you can extract diagnostic information.

Gather diagnostic information about TFA itself.

<server name>:ora<SID> 29> cd $ORACLE_HOME/tfa/bin/
<server name>:ora<SID> 30> ./tfactl diagnosetfa -local

Running TFA Diagnostics...

Node List to collect TFA Diagnostics :
     1  <server name>

Running TFA Diagnostics on <server name>...

Mon May  6 17:54:24 2019 : Collecting TFA Process details...
Mon May  6 17:54:24 2019 : Collecting Details of TFA Files...
Mon May  6 17:54:25 2019 : Collecting TFA Install Logs...
Mon May  6 17:54:25 2019 : Collecting Disk Space...
Mon May  6 17:54:25 2019 : Collecting Top Output...
Mon May  6 17:54:26 2019 : Collecting TFA Status...
Mon May  6 17:55:52 2019 : Collecting JStack Output...
Mon May  6 17:55:52 2019 : Collecting TFA Logs...
Mon May  6 17:55:53 2019 : Collecting TFA BDB Stats...
Mon May  6 17:55:57 2019 : Zipping Collections...

Sleeping for 10 Seconds...

TFA Diagnostics are being collected to /tmp/tfadiagnostics_20190506_175423 :
/tmp/tfadiagnostics_20190506_175423/<server name>.zip

Gather information about errors. You are prompted to select a specific incident.

 <server name>:ora<SID> 31> ./tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600
Enter the time of the ORA-00600 [YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,<RETURN>=ALL] :
Enter the Database Name [<RETURN>=ALL] :

Could not find any events
<server name>:ora<SID> 32> ./tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-07445
Enter the time of the ORA-07445 [YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,<RETURN>=ALL] :
Enter the Database Name [<RETURN>=ALL] :

Could not find any events

Collect data for all components for the last 12 hours.

<server name>:ora<SID> 33> ./tfactl diagcollect

By default TFA will collect diagnostics for the last 12 hours. This can result in large collections
For more targeted collections enter the time of the incident, otherwise hit <RETURN> to collect for the last 12 hours
[YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,<RETURN>=Collect for last 12 hours] :

Collecting data for the last 12 hours for all components...
Collecting data for all nodes

Collection Id : 20190506170023<server name>

Detailed Logging at : /oracle/<SID>/11204/tfa/repository/collection_Mon_May_06_18_00_24_BST_2019_node_all/diagcollect_20190506170023_<server name>.log
2019/05/06 17:00:35 GMT : NOTE : Any file or directory name containing the string .com will be renamed to replace .com with dotcom
2019/05/06 17:00:35 GMT : Collection Name :
2019/05/06 17:00:35 GMT : Collecting diagnostics from hosts : [<server name>]
2019/05/06 17:00:35 GMT : Scanning of files for Collection in progress...
2019/05/06 17:00:35 GMT : Collecting additional diagnostic information...
2019/05/06 17:00:40 GMT : Getting list of files satisfying time range [05/06/2019 05:00:35 GMT, 05/06/2019 17:00:40 GMT]
2019/05/06 17:00:51 GMT : Collecting ADR incident files...
2019/05/06 17:00:53 GMT : Completed collection of additional diagnostic information...
2019/05/06 17:00:57 GMT : Completed Local Collection
|            Collection Summary            |
| Host          | Status    | Size  | Time |
| <server name> | Completed | 1.2MB |  22s |

Logs are being collected to: /oracle/<SID>/11204/tfa/repository/collection_Mon_May_06_18_00_24_BST_2019_node_all
/oracle/<SID>/11204/tfa/repository/collection_Mon_May_06_18_00_24_BST_2019_node_all/<server name>

Still manual upload option to the MOS SR is there, however, you can do it directly from the command line.

./tfactl setupmos
Enter User Id:
Enter Password:         
Wallet does not exist ... creating
Wallet created successfully
USER details added/updated in the wallet
PASSWORD details added/updated in the wallet
SUCCESS - CERTIMPORT - Successfully imported certificate

TFA collected data can be uploaded directly to the MOS by switch "-sr" on CLI.

./tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -sr 4-43434434344
./tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -sr 4-43434434344 -user
./tfactl upload -sr 4-43434434344 -wallet
./tfactl upload -sr 4-43434434344 -user

Uninstall logs

Though you will not need to uninstall, however, showing just for knowledge in case you want to do so.

<server name>:root:/tmp>/opt/oracle.tfa/tfa/bin/tfactl uninstall
TFA will be uninstalled on nguksvartw180 :

Removing TFA from nguksvartw180...

Stopping TFA Support Tools...

Stopping TFA in nguksvartw180...

Shutting down TFA
LCM is not started yet
Nothing to do !
TFA-00104 Cannot establish connection with TFA Server. Please check TFA Certificates
. . . . .
. . .
Successfully shutdown TFA..

TFA-00002 Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) is not running
Deleting TFA support files on nguksvartw180:
Removing /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K17init.tfa
Removing /etc/init.tfa...
Removing /opt/oracle.tfa/tfa/bin...
Removing /opt/oracle.tfa/tfa/nguksvartw180...

More information about TFA at "TFA Collector - TFA with Database Support Tools Bundle (Doc ID 1513912.1)"

Please write your comments if this helped you and let me know if I can help you further.


  1. Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) very well explained, Thank you


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