Hi Guys,
In case you do not have Oracle Enterprise Manager or Grid Cloud Control and want to have almost similar features for Oracle monitoring purpose, Performance Hub Reports can help you up to a great extent.
In case you do not have Oracle Enterprise Manager or Grid Cloud Control and want to have almost similar features for Oracle monitoring purpose, Performance Hub Reports can help you up to a great extent.
Hub report helps to view all performance data available for a specified time
period. Various tabs are available in the Performance Hub, depending on whether
real-time or historical data is selected for the time period. When real-time
data is selected, more granular data is presented, because real-time data for
the last hour is displayed. When historical data is selected, more detailed
data is presented, but the data points are averaged out to the Automatic
Workload Repository (AWR) interval for the selected time period.
To use the performance hub report, underlying Oracle must
be at least 12c. Following is the way how to generate this report.
1. At the SQL
prompt, enter:
2. Specify the
desired report type:
Please enter report type: typical <all, and basic options also
3. Enter the value
for the database identifier of the database you want to use:
Please enter database ID: 158275777
4. Enter the value
for the instance number of the database instance you want to use:
Please enter instance number: all instances
5. Enter the desired time period by specifying an end time and start time in the format of
dd:mm:yyyy hh:mi:ss:
Please enter start time [05/07/2019 12:01:59]: -24:00
Please enter end time [05/07/2019 12:06:59]: -2:00
6. Enter a report
name, or accept the default report name:
Enter value for
report_name: perfhub_ht_05071010.html
Here, a
Performance Hub active report named perfhub_ht_05071010.html is generated on
all database instances with a database ID value of 158275777 for the specified time
period from 05/06/2019
12:10:34 to 05/07/2019
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/perfhubrpt
~ This script will
generate PerfHub active report according to ~
~ users input. The script will prompt users for the ~
~ following
information: ~
~ (1) report level:
basic, typical or all
~ (2) dbid
~ (3) instance id
~ (4) selected time
Specify the report level
* Please enter basic,
typical or all
* Report level
"basic" - include tab contents but no further details
* Report level
"typical" - include tab contents with details for top
SQL statements
* Report level
"all" - include tab contents with details for all SQL
Please enter report level [typical]: all
Using all for report level
Available Databases and Instances.
The database with * is current database
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance
------------ -------- ------------ ------------
* 158275777 1
Specify the database ID
Please enter database ID [ 158275777]:
Using 158275777 for
database ID
Specify the Instance Number
Single Instance Database. Please press Enter
Default Start Time
Default End Time AWR Start Time
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
05/07/2019 12:05:18 05/07/2019 12:10:18 11/08/2018 02:00:24
Specify selected time range
* If the selected time
range is in the past hour, report data will be
* retrieved from V$
* If the selected time
range is over 1 hour ago, report data
* will be retrieved
from AWR.
* If the dbid selected is
not for the current database, only AWR data
* is available.
* Valid input formats:
* To specify absolute
* [mm/dd[/yyyy]]
* Examples:
02/23/14 14:30:15
* 02/23
* 14:30
* To specify relative
time: (start with '-' sign)
* -[hh24:]mi
* Examples:
-1:15 (SYSDATE - 1 Hr 15 Mins)
-25 (SYSDATE - 25 Mins)
Please enter start time [05/07/2019 12:05:18]: -24:00
Please enter end time [05/07/2019 12:10:18]: -2:00
Generating report for 05/06/2019 12:10:34 - 05/07/2019 10:10:34
Specify the Report Name
Please enter report name [perfhub_ht_05071010.html]:
Generating report perfhub_ht_05071010.html ...
Report written to perfhub_ht_05071010.html
Some of the sample tabs from the generated performance hub report.
Performance Hub shows performance data into various different tabs. Each tab
addresses a specific aspect of database performance. Details for each tab
display can be found below:
Summary - this tab is
available in both realtime and historical mode. In realtime mode, this
tab shows metrics data that gives an overview of system performance in terms of
Host Resource Consumption (CPU, I/O and Memory), and Average Active Sessions.
In historical mode, the tab displays system performance in terms of resource
consumption, average active sessions, and load profile information.
Activity - this tab
displays ASH Analytics, and is available in both realtime and historical mode.
Workload - this tab is
available in both realtime and historical mode, and shows metric information
about the workload profile, such as call rates, logon rate and the number of
sessions. In addition, the tab also displays the Top SQL for the selected
time range. In realtime mode, the tab displays Top SQL only by DB time,
but in historical mode, the user can also display Top SQL by other metrics,
such as CPU time or Executions. Clicking a SQL_ID displays the SQL Details page
with more information about that SQL statement.
RAC - this tab is only
available in RAC. It displays RAC-specific metrics such as the number of
global cache blocks received, and the average block latency.
Monitored SQL - this
tab displays Monitored Executions of SQL, PL/SQL and Database Operations, and
is available in both realtime and historical mode.
ADDM - this tab is
available in both realtime and historical mode. It displays ADDM and
Automatic Real Time ADDM reports.
Current ADDM Findings - this tab is available only in
realtime mode, and displays a realtime analysis of system performance for the
past 5 minutes.
Database Time - this
tab is available in historical mode only and enables to view wait events by
category for various metrics, and to view time statistics for various metrics
for the selected time period.
Resources - this tab is
available only in historical mode only and enables to view operating system
resource usage statistics, I/O resource usage statistics, and memory usage
statistics for the selected time period.
System Statistics -
this tab is available only in historical mode only and enables to view database
statistics by value, per transaction, or per second for the selected time
For more
information, please refer below MOS notes.
- Monitoring Database Performance Using Performance Hub Report (Doc ID 2436566.1)
- Not Able to Select Historical Time in Perfhubrpt to Show Report of 24 Hours (Doc ID 2205403.1)
write your comments if this helped you and let me know, if I can help you
Your explanation has been very helopful and has saved a lots of time for myself